Join Our Club

Who we are

There are no secret handshakes at our club. We are a regular group of professionals who share a passion for community service and friendship. It is our collective effort which makes us strong and helps us to go further. We encourage you to join our club and help us build on this momentum.

What we do

Financially, we are one of the largest clubs in our district – this enables us to focus most of our time on funding and managing service projects. We are actively involved in a broad range of causes and communities, so whether you are passionate about serving the homeless, seniors in need, people with disabilities, or children and young adults – we provide multiple opportunities for community involvement.

What it takes to be a good member

Get involved. Join a committee. Lead a service project. Organize a social event. Attend our weekly meetings. Make new friends. Take action. 

How our membership works

Membership to our club is through invitation only … we want to make sure your passions and perspectives best fit our club. So, if you are an established professional who wants to make a difference, then please contact us to arrange for an invitation to one of our weekly meetings. 


Tuesday - 18h00 for 18h30


144 Campground Road
Cape Town